
Quick Tips: One Click Retweets

Want to mobilize your existing supporters to help you get the word out about something?  Could be a big piece of news, an exciting opportunity you're promoting, even a plain old solicitation...

If you want people to help you, you have to make it easy for them.  Very easy.  

We'll talk social media theory some time soon...maybe I'll dedicate a week to figuring out social media strategies in general as part of my fundraising 101 series.  I know that in my life as a consultant, this is something I often get behind closed doors - a confession from an accomplished professional that trying to keep up with every new form of social media makes them feel like a crotchety old geezer demanding help sending a telegraph, followed by the expectation that there's a simple answer that they just don't have time to find on their own...but that's a longer conversation.

For now, let's just be clear: I'm not making the blanket recommendation that you should be using twitter.  That's something you need to figure out separately! 

If you use twitter, you're going to want your followers to retweet you on occasion.  Some of that will (hopefully) happen naturally (if it doesn't, you're doing it wrong!), but you will have some tweets that you really want to get pushed out, past your direct network.  That's when I recommend using ClicktoTweet.

Check it out here: clicktotweet.com

Pretty simple.  Three steps (laid out on the front page), and now you're able to tweet a link that allows your followers to instantly send your message to everyone they know on twitter with just one click.

One click.   

Makes all the difference.

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